“Visa Bulletin” anunta: 267 romani au castigat la DV-2024
Departamentul de Stat american anunta: 267 romani au castigat la “Loteria vizelor 2024”
/ Vineri, 4 august 2023
Cei care nu au fost selectati pot afla in lunile urmatoare mai multe detalii legate de urmatoarea editie DV-2025.
Un numar de 267 romani au fost selectati pentru programul “Loteria vizelor 2024”, conform unei statistici date publicitatii de Departamentul de Stat al SUA. Centrul Consular Kentucky din Williamsburg (SUA) a anuntat castigatorii “Loteriei Vizelor” pentru anul 2022 (DV-2024), program prin care SUA acorda anual pana la 55.000 de vize de rezidenta permanenta unor cetateni din tari cu rate scazute de imigratie in Statele Unite. Aproximativ 143.000 de persoane au fost inregistrate si anuntate si acum pot trimite o aplicatie pentru o viza de emigrare. Avand in vedere ca este posibil ca unii dintre cetatenii admisi sa nu continue procesul de obtinere a vizei, acest numar mare de persoane anuntate ar trebui să asigure că toate vizele DV-2024 vor fi utilizate în cursul anului fiscal 2024 (1 octombrie 2023 – 30 septembrie 2024).
Castigatorii au fost desemnati aleator din 22.185.619 de cereri valabile, primite intre 5 octombrie 2022 si 8 noiembrie 2022.
In timpul interviurilor ce vor urma, aplicantul principal trebuie sa dovedeasca faptul ca a absolvit liceul sau are cel putin doi ani de experienta in munca, in ultimii cinci ani, in cazul profesiilor ce necesita cel putin doi ani de pregatire sau experienta. Doar cei care au fost selectionati pentru “Loteria vizelor 2024” au fost anuntati, cei care n-au primit nici un fel de notificare inseamna ca nu au fost admisi. Acestia isi pot incerca sansele din nou, daca doresc, depunand cereri pentru programul DV-2025. Instructiunile privind programul DV-2025 vor fi date publicitatii in lunile ce vor urma. Cei ce sunt interesati de programul loteria vizelor DV-2025 vor afla mai multe detalii in luna septembrie.
Department of State Publication 9514 CA/VO: August 4, 2023
The Kentucky Consular Center in Williamsburg, Kentucky has registered and notified the selectees who are eligible to participate in the DV-2024 Diversity Visa (DV) program. Random selection of DV participants was conducted under the terms of section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which makes up to *55,000 permanent resident visas available annually to persons from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. Approximately 143,000 prospective applicants (i.e., selectees and their spouses and children) have been registered, can confirm their selection, and may be eligible to make an application for an immigrant visa. Since selection is random and blind to the number of family members who might immigrate with the selectee, and it is likely that some of the selectees will not complete their cases or will be found ineligible for a visa, this larger figure should ensure that all DV-2024 numbers can be used during fiscal year 2024 (FY24: October 1, 2023, until September 30, 2024).
Entrants registered for the DV-2024 program were selected at random from 22,185,619 qualified entries received during the 35-day application period that ran from noon, Eastern Daylight Time on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, until noon, Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The visas will be apportioned among the six geographic regions to ensure a maximum of seven percent are issued to persons chargeable to any single country. During the visa interview, principal applicants must provide proof of a high school education or its equivalent, or two years of work experience in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience within the past five years. Those selected will need to act on their immigrant visa applications quickly. Applicants should follow the instructions in their notification letter and must fully complete all required steps.
Selectees who are physically present with legal status in the United States may apply to adjust their status by first contacting the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for information on the requirements and procedures. Once the total *55,000 visa numbers have been used, the program for fiscal year 2024 will end. Selectees who do not receive visas or status by September 30, 2024, will derive no further benefit from their DV-2024 registration. Similarly, spouses and children accompanying or following to join DV-2024 principal applicants are only entitled to derivative DV status until September 30, 2024.
Dates for the DV-2025 program registration period will be widely publicized in the coming months. Those interested in entering the DV-2025 program should check the Department of State’s Diversity Visa web page in the coming months.
*The Nicaraguan and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) passed by Congress in November 1997 stipulated that up to 5,000 of the 55,000 annually-allocated diversity visas be made available for use under the NACARA program. This will result in reduction of the DV-2024 annual limit to approximately 54,850.